Landmarks Association of St. Louis

Landmarks Association Applaud’s St. Louis University Law

Recently the debate about the necessity of tearing down the smallest though most historically significant section of the Pevely Dairy complex at Grand and Chouteau placed representatives of Landmarks Association and other preservationists in a position of opposition to the plans of St. Louis University.  We firmly believed that the Pevely plan was not in keeping with the University's stated commitment to sustainability, that it was unnecessary from a land-use perspective, and that it was insensitive to the history and historic architecture of the surrounding neighborhood.  We made these points forcefully and vocally.

Now, I am very happy to give credit where credit is due and to sing the praises of Saint Louis University Law School for making a serious commitment to the present and future health of Downtown.  In addition, the University has chosen the path of sustainability by opting to adapt and reuse an existing structure rather than building new (and demolishing old).  While some would call attention to the unfortunate and now apparently unnecessary demolition of the historic mansion at 3740 Lindell which fell to make room for what is now apparently an abandoned plan for a new law school on campus, I would prefer today to focus on the positive news that more than 1,000 students (full- and part-time) and 70 faculty members will now be traveling to (and potentially living!) Downtown in the near future. Saint Louis University deserves to be recognized for the commitment that this decision demonstrates to Downtown and to sustainable adaptive reuse.